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Government Agencies and Cyber Hygiene

Government Agencies and Cyber Hygiene

Research and statistics have shown that federal agencies have been and remain incredibly vulnerable to cyberattacks. This isn’t exactly breaking news and in fact, the number of cyber incidents reported by federal agencies grew more than 1,300% between 2006 and 2015,...
Cybersecurity – Concern vs Action

Cybersecurity – Concern vs Action

Cybersecurity concerns Cybersecurity experts are on high alert. But, as Marketplace Tech asks in a recent report, why isn’t everyone else? There seems to be a genuine disconnect between the cybersecurity experts, IT staff and the general public. Is it that the general...
Data hygiene and system ROT

Data hygiene and system ROT

Digital data hoarding has become commonplace and a “save everything” mentality ultimately costs companies a huge amount of money for storage and protection while at the same time exposing a wide attack surface for data theft or cyber security breaches.